Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

The Hardy-Weinberg principle (and its predicted equilibrium) is the cornerstone of population genetics.  Developed independently by George Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg in the early 1900’s, the Hardy-Weinberg principle is a model that relates allele frequencies to genotype frequencies. Like most models, Hardy-Weinberg is a simplification of real world complexities  -- but it has amazing explanatory power nonetheless.

Remember (memorize) the five major assumptions that lead to a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium:

  • No Non-random Mating
  • Infinite population size (= No Genetic Drift)
  • No Mutation
  • No Genetic Migration (permanent movement of alleles from one population to another, usually by dispersal of individuals)
  • No Natural Selection (plus sexual selection)

Violations of any of the five major assumptions are the primary forces that drive evolutionary change.

Remember that an allele is a variant form of a gene (piece of DNA) at a single locus (Latin for "place", so we are referring to a particular stretch -- for example a stretch of 275 base pairs on Chromosome 13).  An allele frequency (geneticists call it "gene frequency") is therefore a measure of the commonness of an allele in a population (the proportion of a specific allele in a population -- how common is the A ["big A"] allele, or the a ["little a"] allele). A genotype is the specific allele composition for a certain locus or set of loci (Aa, AA, or AaBBcc for several loci vs. a second genotype AabbCc). Genotype frequency is a measure of the commonness of a genotype in a population; i.e., the proportion of a specific genotype in a population. Two major terms are important in discussing genotypes: homozygote and heterozygote. A homozygote has two copies of the same allele (e.g., AA or bb). A heterozygote has two different alleles at a given locus (e.g., Aa or Dd). Because the allele and genotype frequencies are proportions they always sum to 1.0, if we have included all the possible variants.

Allele frequencies:

p + q = 1                                      Eqn 3.1

Expected genotype frequencies:

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1                       Eqn 3.2

The possible range for an allele frequency or genotype frequency therefore lies between zero and one, with zero meaning complete absence of that allele or genotype from the population (no individual in the population carries that allele or genotype); a one means complete fixation of the allele or genotype (fixation means that every individual in the population is homozygous for the allele -- i.e., has the same genotype at that locus).

With the five assumptions given above, one can calculate the genotype frequencies for a gene with two alleles (A and a). The frequency of homozygous genotype AA is the probability of one allele A being in combination with another allele A. The expected frequency is simply the product of the separate allele frequencies. We will use the term p to refer to the frequency of allele A:

Frequency of AA = p2                   Eqn 3.3

The frequency of heterozygous genotype Aa is the probability of allele A being in combination with allele a. Note that there are two possible ways to get those combinations -- A from Dad and a from Mom, or vice versa (examine Fig. 3.1 below).

Frequency of Aa = 2pq                  Eqn 3.4

The frequency of homozygous genotype aa is the probability of one allele a in combination with another allele a.

Frequency of aa = q2                     Eqn 3.5

Fig.1:Diagram of Hardy-Weinberg genotype proportions. Given a locus with two alleles designated A and a that occur with frequencies p and q, the chart shows the genotype frequencies (p2, 2pq, and q2) as differently colored areas. Note that the heterozygotes (blue + yellow = green) can be formed in two different ways (in terms of combination theory, this means order is not important).  Extending this logic and its implications to multiple alleles and multiple loci provides the basis for much of the core theory of population genetics.

Example: if p = 0.75 and q = 0.25 we can use Eqns 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 to calculate the expected genotype frequencies.

AA = p2 = 0.75 X 0.75                =         0.5625

Aa = 2pq = 2 X 0.75 X 0.25         =         0.375

aa=q2=0.25 X.025                     =       0.0625                Eqns 3.6

The values we have just calculated are EXPECTED genotype frequencies IF the Hardy-Weinberg assumptions hold. We now turn to how we could check that from actual OBSERVED genotypic data (such as the microsatellite data for Wyoming black bears). In order to calculate allele frequencies all we need are the observed genotype frequencies. [No assumptions needed about the five forces, but what statistical requirement.assumption do we need to have in place?]

p = p2 +(2pq/2) and q = q2 + (2pq/2)                                         Eqn 3.7

Let's look at an example from the beginning. We will examine a population of trout with a di-repeat microsatellite marker that has two alleles, 120 and 122. For simplicity, let’s call allele 120 A and allele 122 a. We genotype 100 individuals and find genotype frequencies of AA = 0.25, Aa = 0.5, and aa = 0.25 (check that when summed these genotype frequencies add to one). We ask the question of whether this population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. We first need to calculate the p and q (allele frequencies of A and a; note that the A and a are names for the alleles themselves, the p and q refer to the frequencies of those alleles). We calculate the frequencies using Eqns 3.6.

p = p2 + (2pq/2) = 0.25 + (0.5/2)    =    0.5

q=q2+(2pq/20.25+0.5/2)                   =  0.5                           Eqns 3.8

We see that the allele frequencies sum to one, as required by Eqn 3.1. Using the allele frequencies, we then calculate the expected genotype frequencies using Eqns 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5.

AA = p2 = 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25

Aa = 2pq = 2 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.5

Aa = q2 = 0.5 * .05 = 0.25                           Eqns 3.9

The expected genotype frequencies are same as the observed genotype frequencies (from the microsatellite data). This tells us that our population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. If the expected genotype frequencies calculated from the allele frequencies were not the same as the observed genotype frequencies our population would not be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium -- we assess whether the difference is statistically significant using a chi-square test, as we will see shortly.  [Note that statistical significance is not a guarantee of biological significance].

The expected frequency distribution of genotypes AA, Aa, and aa in proportions p2, 2pq and q2 respectively is called the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. If the population meets the eight assumptions listed above, then the population will go to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the first generation, and remain there. Again, the Hardy-Weinberg principle and its predicted equilibrium, is a simple model that serves as a starting point for examining the genetic structure of populations.

Violating Hardy-Weinberg assumptions

How likely are we to meet the major assumptions of random mating, no drift, no mutation, no migration, and no natural selection? If we violate the assumptions, how much difference does it make? Here is a list of processes that violate the Hardy-Weinberg assumptions and some discussion of each of them.  These "big five" forces are the major engines of evolutionary change. An important point is whether the given force tends to increase or decrease the genetic variability in populations.

• Non-random mating (tends to reduce genetic variation)

Random mating means that alleles (as carried by the gametes -- eggs or sperm) come together strictly in proportion to their frequencies in the population as a whole. Example: if p = 0.6 and q = 0.4, then the probability of an Aa heterozygote is 0.48 (the product of the allele frequencies, plus consideration of the fact that two ways exist to make a heterozygote; see above Fig.1). Situations where the random mating assumption does not hold include:

  • Inbreeding — cases where relatives (e.g., siblings, cousins) have a greater probability of mating with each other than with other members of the population.
    Inbreeding will tend to decrease heterozygosity without affecting allele frequencies.
  • Geographic structuring — in many cases individuals are more likely to mate with geographically proximate individuals than with more distant individuals.
    Geographic structuring is essentially an extended form of inbreeding.
  • Positive/Negative Assortative mating — in positive assortative mating (usually called just assortative mating) individuals of a given phenotype or genotype tend to mate with similar individuals (e.g., A1A1 tend to mate with other A1A1). Assortative mating will decrease heterozygosity (put like alleles together) without affecting gene frequencies.
    In negative assortative mating (usually called disassortative mating) individuals tend to mate with dissimilar individuals.
    Disassortative mating will tend to increase heterozygosity (put unlike alleles together) without affecting gene frequencies.
  • Rare allele advantage.  In some mating systems a male bearing a rare allele will have a mating advantage.
    Rare allele advantage will tend to increase the frequency of the rare allele and hence increase heterozygosity.
  • Mating system effects — in a polygynous mating system one or a few males that obtain a disproportionate share of the matings will be over-represented genetically (this differs from the rare allele effect mainly in that the male's success is not dependent on having rare alleles -- any rare alleles he does happen to have, however, will increase in frequency in the next generation).  Variance in mating success can change both gene frequencies and the level of heterozygosity (up or down will depend on the genotypes of the successful males relative to the frequencies in the population).

Often, the impact of a moderate amount of non-random mating has a negligible impact on our conclusions about the patterns and causes of genetic variation.

• Random genetic drift (always reduces genetic variation)

The effect of random genetic drift is inversely proportional to population size.  Allele frequencies change because the genes appearing in offspring are not a perfectly representative sampling of the parental genes (in a finite population). Since drift is a random process, outcomes of drift must be stated as probabilities. Drift removes genetic variation from the population at a rate inversely proportional to population size. As population size decreases the force of drift increases, and vice versa. Drift also affects the probability of survival of new mutations. The probability that an allele will move to fixation is equal to its frequency in the population -- an allele with a frequency of 0.2 (20%) has a 20% chance of fixation. New alleles introduced by mutation almost inevitably begin at low frequencies and have a low probability of fixation. Drift can lead to the loss of rare alleles and the fixation of common alleles. If the population is large, however, drift has little effect.

Marble analogy:  Think of a jar containing a million marbles in ten different colors. If we draw a random sample of 500,000 it will almost certainly contain all the marbles in proportions very similar to the original proportions. If we pick only five marbles, however, we will definitely have a biased sample (we can’t have picked more than 5 of the 10 alleles  -- any duplicates and we'll have even fewer alleles). Even if we take a sample of 50, we will be unlikely to maintain the proportions of the original million -- the small sample prevents us from drawing a representative array.  Similarly, drift is inversely proportional to population size -- large population = minor drift, small population = major drift.

Drift can have major effects on endangered (small, almost by definition) populations. For other species it can take a long time (thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years) for drift to have large effects.


Fig. 2. Computer simulation of genetic drift. The fate of the A1 allele (with frequency p, on the Y-axis) is shown in five replicate populations for a time course of 100 generations (time on the X-axis). Note that if p drops to 0 or rises to1.0 then A1 will be lost (0) or reach fixation (1.0). Those frequencies (0 and 1.0) are therefore called "absorbing boundaries". Notice also the jagged trajectories that often characterize random processes.

• Selection (reduces genetic variation)

Selection is the differential survival and reproduction of phenotypes that are better suited to the environment or to obtaining mating success. Selection is the evolutionary force responsible for adaptation to the environment. Selection generally removes genetic variation from the population (occasionally special circumstance such as "frequency-dependent" or "balancing" selection can serve as forces maintaining variation). Alleles that confer advantages in survival or reproduction will tend to be represented in greater proportion in the next generation. After numerous generations (the time required will depend on the intensity of selection and the heritability of the trait), the advantageous allele will tend to spread to fixation. It is sometimes useful (and almost always interesting) to distinguish, as Darwin did, between natural and sexual selection.

If drift and natural selection tend to reduce genetic variation, what maintains or increases it? -- Mutation.

• Mutation (increases genetic variation and introduces novel variants)

Mutation is the process that produces a gene or chromosome set differing from the wild-type (ancestral allele). Mutation restores genetic variation to a population by producing novel alleles. Mutation is difficult to measure or observe directly, and rates of mutation can vary between loci. It is usually a weak force and therefore tends not to pull populations very far from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium  -- over long enough time periods, though, even a weak force can have major effects (e.g., the erosion of the Grand Canyon).  Much of the neutral theory of genetic variation is based on a calculation of the balance between drift and mutation as forces of change.

• Genetic Migration (distributes and homogenizes genetic variation)

Genetic migration is the permanent movement of genes from one population into another. Migration can restore genetic variation into isolated and differentiated populations or reduce variation among populations when it occurs frequently. Assessing the patterns and importance of genetic migration (often referred to as "gene flow") is one of the major aims of population genetics. [Note that this definition of migration is very different from that for the seasonal back and forth movement of birds, for example, from breeding grounds in the temperate zone to non-breeding grounds in the tropics.  Migration, in that sense may have little effect on permanent movement of alleles]. 

Some absolute basics about probability and combination theory:

Much of population genetics involves manipulations of equations that have a base in either probability theory or combination theory.  We saw combination theory in action when we used the formula for the number of distinct unrooted trees as a function of the number of OTUs.  The basic Hardy-Weinberg equation p2 + 2 pq + q2 is a probabilistic one (with the addition that since order is unimportant we account for two ways to get heterozygotes).

Rule 1:  If you account for all possible events, the probabilities sum to 1. 

[e.g., p + q = 1 for a two-allele system].

Rule 2: The probability that two independent events occur is the product of their individual probabilities.        [e.g., probability of a homozygote is qXq = q2].

Punch line: Genetic techniques examine individual variation to discern the emergent properties of populations and higher taxa. We can examine genetic variation at multiple scales -- from the level of the individual (e.g., forensics applications) to analysis of higher taxa in systematic and taxonomic studies. Population genetics integrates a broad spectrum of process and pattern -- geneticists simplify by including only essential forces in their models and by making simplifying assumptions that, if violated, do not change the qualitative conclusions. A traditional first step is to build from the Hardy-Weinberg principle -- despite its admittedly unrealistic assumptions of random mating, no drift, no mutation, no migration, and no natural selection. In situations where one or more of these assumptions is clearly violated in a major way, a variety of more complex models can then be brought to bear on the problem.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Basics of Pedigree Analysis

All of the conclusions regarding gene action (dominant/recessive; codominant) we have discussed so far have been obtained from analyzing the results of controlled crosses. In some situations, we do not have the opportunity to perform controlled crosses. Rather we need to analysis an existing population. This is always the case when studying human genetics. Scientists have devised another approach, called pedigree analysis, to study the inheritance of genes in humans. Pedigree analysis is also useful when studying any population when progeny data from several generations is limited. Pedigree analysis is also useful when studying species with a long genration time.

A series of symbols are used to represent different aspects of a pedigree. Below are the principal symbols used when drawing a pedigree.

pedegree analysis 1

Once phenotypic data is collected from several generations and the pedigree is drawn, careful analysis will allow you to determine whether the trait is dominant or recessive. Here are some rules to follow.

For those traits exhibiting dominant gene action:

  • affected individuals have at least one affected parent
  • the phenotype generally appears every generation
  • two unaffected parents only have unaffected offspring
The following is the pedigree of a trait controlled by dominant gene action.

domnant pedegree 2

And for those traits exhibiting recessive gene action:

  • unaffected parents can have affected offspring
  • affected progeny are both male and female
The following is the pedigree of a trait controlled by recessive gene action.

recessive pedegree

Mendel's First Law of Genetics (Law of Segregation)

Genetic analysis predates Gregor Mendel, but Mendel's laws form the theoretical basis of our understanding of the genetics of inheritance.

Mendel made two innovations to the science of genetics:

  1. developed pure lines
  2. counted his results and kept statistical notes

Pure Line - a population that breeds true for a particular trait [this was an important innovation because any non-pure (segregating) generation would and did confuse the results of genetic experiments]

Results from Mendel's Experiments


Terms and Results Found in the Table

Phenotype - literally means "the form that is shown"; it is the outward, physical appearance of a particular trait

Mendel's pea plants exhibited the following phenotypes:

  • - round or wrinkled seed phenotype
  • - yellow or green seed phenotype
  • - red or white flower phenotype
  • - tall or dwarf plant phenotype

Seed Color: Green and yellow seeds.

Seed Shape: Wrinkled and Round seeds.

What is seen in the F1 generation? We always see only one of the two parental phenotypes in this generation. But the F1 possesses the information needed to produce both parental phenotypes in the following generation. The F2 generation always produced a 3:1 ratio where the dominant trait is present three times as often as the recessive trait. Mendel coined two terms to describe the relationship of the two phenotypes based on the F1 and F2 phenotypes.

Dominant - the allele that expresses itself at the expense of an alternate allele; the phenotype that is expressed in the F1 generation from the cross of two pure lines

Recessive - an allele whose expression is suppressed in the presence of a dominant allele; the phenotype that disappears in the F1 generation from the cross of two pure lines and reappears in the F2 generation

Mendel's Conclusions

  1. The hereditary determinants are of a particulate nature. These determinants are called genes.
  2. Each parent has a gene pair in each cell for each trait studied. The F1 from a cross of two pure lines contains one allele for the dominant phenotype and one for the recessive phenotype. These two alleles comprise the gene pair.
  3. One member of the gene pair segregates into a gamete, thus each gamete only carries one member of the gene pair.
  4. Gametes unite at random and irrespective of the other gene pairs involved.

Mendelian Genetics Definitions

  • Allele - one alternative form of a given allelic pair; tall and dwarf are the alleles for the height of a pea plant; more than two alleles can exist for any specific gene, but only two of them will be found within any individual
  • Allelic pair - the combination of two alleles which comprise the gene pair
  • Homozygote - an individual which contains only one allele at the allelic pair; for example DD is homozygous dominant and dd is homozygous recessive; pure lines are homozygous for the gene of interest
  • Heterozygote - an individual which contains one of each member of the gene pair; for example the Dd heterozygote
  • Genotype - the specific allelic combination for a certain gene or set of genes

Using symbols we can depict the cross of tall and short pea plants in the following manner:

The F2 generation was created by selfing the F1 plants. This can be depicted graphically in a Punnett square. From these results Mendel coined several other terms and formulated his first law. First the Punnett Square is shown.

The Punnett Square allows us to determine specific genetic ratios.

Genotypic ratio of F2: 1 DD : 2 Dd : 1 dd (or 3 D_ : 1 dd)

Phenotypic ratio of F2: 3 tall : 1 dwarf

Mendel's First Law - the law of segregation; during gamete formation each member of the allelic pair separates from the other member to form the genetic constitution of the gamete

Confirmation of Mendel's First Law Hypothesis

With these observations, Mendel could form a hypothesis about segregation. To test this hypothesis, Mendel selfed the F2 plants. If his law was correct he could predict what the results would be. And indeed, the results occurred has he expected.


From these results we can now confirm the genotype of the F2 individuals.

Phenotypes                        Genotypes                      Genetic Description

F2 Tall Plants                 1/3 DD        2/3 Dd             Pure line homozygote dominant

F2 Dwarf Plants            all dd                                    Pure line homozygote recessive


Thus the F2 is genotypically 1/4 Dd : 1/2 Dd : 1/4 dd

This data was also available from the Punnett Square using the gametes from the F1 individual. So although the phenotypic ratio is 3:1 the genotypic ratio is 1:2:1

Mendel performed one other cross to confirm the hypothesis of segregation --- the backcross. Remember, the first cross is between two pure line parents to produce an F1 heterozygote.

At this point instead of selfing the F1, Mendel crossed it to a pure line, homozygote dwarf plant.

Backcross: Dd x dd



Female                                DD
Gametes                           (Tall)


d                                        dd

Backcross One or (BC1) Phenotypes: 1 Tall : 1 Dwarf

BC1 Genotypes: 1 Dd : 1 dd

Backcross - the cross of an F1 hybrid to one of the homozygous parents; for pea plant height the cross would be Dd x DD or Dd x dd; most often, though a backcross is a cross to a fully recessive parent

Testcross - the cross of any individual to a homozygous recessive parent; used to determine if the individual is homozygous dominant or heterozygous

So far, all the discussion has concentrated on monohybrid crosses.

Monohybrid cross - a cross between parents that differ at a single gene pair (usually AA x aa)

Monohybrid - the offspring of two parents that are homozygous for alternate alleles of a gene pair

Remember --- a monohybrid cross is not the cross of two monohybrids.

Monohybrids are good for describing the relationship between alleles. When an allele is homozygous it will show its phenotype. It is the phenotype of the heterozygote which permits us to determine the relationship of the alleles.

Dominance - the ability of one allele to express its phenotype at the expense of an alternate allele; the major form of interaction between alleles; generally the dominant allele will make a gene product that the recessive can not; therefore the dominant allele will express itself whenever it is present.

Mendelian Genetics


Mendelian Genetics Video 1

Pedigree Analysis: How to solve a genetic pedigree Video Lectures

Pedigree Analysis 1

How to solve a genetic pedigree No. 1


Pedigree Analysis 2

How to solve a genetic pedigree No. 2

Pedigree Analysis 3

How to solve a genetic pedigree No. 3


Pedigree Analysis Practice

Pedigree Analysis


A pedigree is a diagram of family relationships that uses symbols to represent people and lines to represent genetic relationships. These diagrams make it easier to visualize relationships within families, particularly large extended families. Pedigrees are often used to determine the mode of inheritance (dominant, recessive, etc.) of genetic diseases. A sample pedigree is below.


In a pedigree, squares represent males and circles represent females. Horizontal lines connecting a male and female represent mating. Vertical lines extending downward from a couple represent their children. Subsequent generations are therefore written underneath the parental generations and the oldest individuals are found at the top of the pedigree.

If the purpose of a pedigree is to analyze the pattern of inheritance of a particular trait, it is customary to shade in the symbol of all individuals that possess this trait.

In the pedigree above, the grandparents had two children, a son and a daughter. The son had the trait in question. One of his four children also had the trait.

In the exercises below, assume that the trait in question is a genetic disease or abnormality. We will learn patterns of inheritance that have the following modes of inheritance:

autosomal dominant
autosomal recessive
X-linked recessive

Developing Conclusions About Different Modes of Inheritance


Autosomal Dominant

1. The pedigree below is for a genetic disease or abnormality. We do not yet know if it is dominant or recessive. We will determine if it is possible that the trait is autosomal dominant. If the trait were dominant, we could use the following designations:

A = the trait (a genetic disease or abnormality, dominant)
a = normal (recessive)

a) Assume for the moment that the trait is dominant (we don't know yet). The pedigree shows that three of the individuals have the recessive (normal) phenotype and one individual has the dominant (abnormal) phenotype. Write the genotype of the affected (abnormal) individual next to her symbol in the pedigree below. If you only know one of the genes (letters), use a  "?" for the unknown letter. If possible, write the genotype of the three recessive individuals next to their symbols. As you attempt to write the genotypes, keep in mind that the pedigree may not be possible for a dominant trait; it may not be possible to write the genotypes. 

b) Is it possible that the pedigree above is for an autosomal dominant trait? To answer this question, you need to know that the affected individual is "A?". She received one gene from each parent. Therefore at least one parent must have the "A" gene. As you can see, neither of the parents have the gene because their symbols indicate that they have the recessive phenotype (their genotype is aa). The pedigree is not possible; it is not for a dominant trait.

c) Write the genotypes next to the symbol for each person in the pedigree below assuming that it is for a dominant trait. 

d) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an autosomal dominant trait?

e) What can you conclude from these two examples about the parents of a person that has a dominant characteristic? (Circle the correct answer below.)

    • If a person has a dominant trait, the parents will not have the trait.
    • If a person has a dominant trait, the parents might have the trait or they might not have it.
    • If a person has a dominant trait, at least one of the parents will have the trait.
    • If a person has a dominant trait, both of the parents will have the trait.

2. We will determine if the pedigree below can be for a trait that is autosomal dominant. Use "A" and "a" as you did for the pedigrees above.

a) Write the genotype of each individual next to the symbol.

b) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an autosomal dominant trait?

c) In conclusion, can two individuals that have an autosomal dominant trait have unaffected children? (Circle the correct answer below.)

    • If two individuals have a dominant trait, none of their ofspring will have the trait.
    • If two individuals have a dominant trait, their offspring might or might not have the trait.
    • If two individuals have a dominant trait, their offspring will have the trait.

Autosomal Recessive

3. We will determine if the pedigree below can be for a trait that is autosomal recessive. Use the following designations:

A = normal
a = the trait (a genetic disease or abnormality)

a) Assuming that the trait is recessive, write the genotype of each individual next to the symbol.

b) Is it possible that the pedigree above is for an autosomal recessive trait?

c) Assuming that the pedigree below is for a recessive trait, write the genotype next to the symbol for each person.

d) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an autosomal recessive trait?

e) If a trait is autosomal recessive, what can you conclude about the children if both parents are affected? (Circle the correct answer below.)

--If both parents are affected, none of the children will be affected.
--If both parents are affected, the children might or might not be affected.
--If both parents are affected, all of the children will be affected.

4. We will determine if the pedigree below can be for a trait that is autosomal recessive. Use "A" and "a" as you did for the previous example.

a) Write the genotype of each individual next to the symbol.

b) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an autosomal recessive trait?

c) If a trait is autosomal recessive, what can you conclude about the children of two parents that are not affected? (Circle the correct answer below.)

--If two parents have a dominant trait, the children will not have the trait.
--If two parents have a dominant trait, the children might or might not have the trait.
--If two parents have a dominant trait, the children will have the trait.

5. We will determine if the pedigree below can be for a trait that is autosomal recessive.

a) Write the genotype of each individual next to the symbol.

b) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an autosomal recessive trait?

c) In this pedigree, two generations have been skipped. What can you conclude about recessive traits skipping generations (is it possible or not)? (Circle the correct answer below.)

--Recessive traits cannot skip generations.
--Recessive traits can skip generations.

X-Linked Recessive

The conclusions that you made for autosomal recessive traits apply to X-linked traits. In this exercise, we will work on some additional conclusions because males have only one X chromosome and females have two.

6 and 7. We will determine if the pedigrees below can be for a trait that is X-linked recessive. Use the following designations:

XA = normal
Xa = the trait (a genetic disease or abnormality)
Y = Y chromosome (males only)

a) Write the genotype of each individual next to the symbol.

b) Is it possible that the pedigree above is  for an X-linked recessive trait?

c) Write the genotype next to the symbol for each person in the pedigree below.

d) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an X-linked recessive trait?

e) Write the genotype next to the symbol for each person in the pedigree below.

f) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an X-linked recessive trait?

g) Write the genotype next to the symbol for each person in the pedigree below.

h) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an X-linked recessive trait?

i) What can you conclude about the children of mothers affected with an X-linked recessive trait? (Circle the correct answer below.)

    • If the mother has an X-linked recessive trait, the children will not have the trait.
    • If the mother has an X-linked recessive trait, the children might or might not have the trait.
    • If the mother has an X-linked recessive trait, all of the children will have the trait.
    • If the mother has an X-linked recessive trait, females will have the trait but males will only have the trait if their father also has the trait.
    • If the mother has an X-linked recessive trait, males will have the trait, but females will only have the trait if their father also has the trait.

j) What can you conclude about the father of an affected female? (Circle the correct answer below.)

    • The father of an affected female will not be affected.
    • The father of an affected female might or might not be affected.
    • The father of an affected female will be affected.

8. We will determine if the pedigree below can be for a trait that is X-linked recessive. We will continue to use the designations "XA and Xa".

a) Write the genotype of each individual next to the symbol.

b) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an X-linked recessive trait?

c) Which parent did the son get the Xa gene from? In general, you cannot use a pedigree to tell if father-to-son transmission occurred because the son might have received the gene from his mother.

d) What can you conclude about father-to-son transmission of X-linked traits? (Circle the correct answer below.)

    • Father-to-son transmission can occur.
    • Father-to-son transmission cannot occur.

9. We will determine if the pedigree below can be for a trait that is X-linked recessive.

a) Write the genotype of each individual next to the symbol.

b) Is it possible that this pedigree is for an X-linked recessive trait?

c) What can you conclude about the children if both parents are affected with an X-linked recessive trait? (Circle the correct answer below.)

--If both parents are affected, none of the children will be affected.
--If both parents are affected, the children might or might not be affected.
--If both parents are affected, all of the children will be affected.

d) How does this conclusion compare with the one you made earlier (question 3e) about both parents being affected by an autosomal recessive trait?

e) Do the conclusions that you made for autosomal recessive traits apply to X-linked recessive traits?

10a. If a genetic disease is X-linked recessive, what is the phenotype of a female that has only one disease allele (Xa)?

b. What is the phenotype of a male with one disease allele?

c. What can you conclude about the number of males that would have the disease compared to the number of females? (Circle the correct answer below.)

    • More males than females are affected.
    • Males and females are affected equally.
    • More females than males are affected.

Application of Pedigree Analysis

The conclusions about inheritance (above) can be used to help analyze pedigrees. For each pedigree below, tell if it is possible that the trait can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked recessive. If the pedigree cannot fit a mode of inheritance, tell why. 

Pedigree A

Pedigree B

Questions 10 through 15- Answer with either "yes" or "no." If you answer no, explain why.

11) Can pedigree A be autosomal dominant? To answer this question, go back and look at your conclusion for autosomal dominant traits (question 1e).

12) Can pedigree B be autosomal dominant?

13) Can pedigree A be autosomal recessive? To answer this question go back and look at your conclusion for autosomal recessive traits (question 3e).

14) Can pedigree B be autosomal recessive?

15) Can pedigree A be X-linked recessive? To answer this question, go back and look at your conclusion for X-linked recessive traits (questions 6i and 6j).

16) Can pedigree B be X-linked recessive?

Friday, 21 October 2011

Genetics Den: Dihybrid Crosses

When Mendel considered two traits per cross (dihybrid, as opposed to single-trait-crosses, monohybrid), The resulting (F2) generation did not have 3:1 dominant:recessive phenotype ratios. The two traits, if considered to inherit independently, fit into the principle of segregation. Instead of 4 possible genotypes from a monohybrid cross, dihybrid crosses have as many as 16 possible genotypes.

Mendel realized the need to conduct his experiments on more complex situations. He performed experiments tracking two seed traits: shape and color. A cross concerning two traits is known as a dihybrid cross. 

Crosses With Two Traits
Smooth seeds (S) are dominant over wrinkled (s) seeds.
Yellow seed color (Y) is dominant over green (g).

Inheritance of two traits simultaneously, a dihybrid cross. 
Again, meiosis helps us understand the behavior of alleles. 

The inheritance of two traits on different chromosomes can be explained by meiosis.

Methods, Results, and Conclusions

Mendel started with true-breeding plants that had smooth, yellow seeds and crossed them with true-breeding plants having green, wrinkled seeds. All seeds in the F1 had smooth yellow seeds. The F2 plants self-fertilized, and produced four phenotypes:

315 smooth yellow
108 smooth green
101 wrinkled yellow
32 wrinkled green

Mendel analyzed each trait for separate inheritance as if the other trait were not present.The 3:1 ratio was seen separately and was in accordance with the Principle of Segregation. The segregation of S and s alleles must have happened independently of the segregation of Y and y alleles. The chance of any gamete having a Y is 1/2; the chance of any one gamete having a S is 1/2.The chance of a gamete having both Y and S is the product of their individual chances (or 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4). 

The chance of two gametes forming any given genotype is 1/4 X 1/4 (remember, the product of their individual chances). Thus, the Punnett Square has 16 boxes. Since there are more possible combinations to produce a smooth yellow phenotype (SSYY, SsYy, SsYY, and SSYy), that phenotype is more common in the F2. 

From the results of the second experiment, Mendel formulated the Principle of Independent Assortment -- that when gametes are formed, alleles assort independently. If traits assort independent of each other during gamete formation, the results of the dihybrid cross can make sense. Since Mendel's time, scientists have discovered chromosomes and DNA. We now interpret the Principle of Independent Assortment as alleles of genes on different chromosomes are inherited independently during the formation of gametes. This was not known to Mendel.

Punnett squares deal only with probability of a genotype showing up in the next generation. Usually if enough offspring are produced, Mendelian ratios will also be produced.

Step 1 - definition of alleles and determination of dominance.
Step 2 - determination of alleles present in all different types of gametes.
Step 3 - construction of the square.
Step 4 - recombination of alleles into each small square.
Step 5 - Determination of Genotype and Phenotype ratios in the next generation.
Step 6 - Labeling of generations, for example P1, F1, etc. 

While answering genetics problems, there are certain forms and protocols that will make unintelligible problems easier to do. The term "true-breeding strain" is a code word for homozygous. Dominant alleles are those that show up in the next generation in crosses between two different "true-breeding strains". 

The key to any genetics problem is the recessive phenotype (more properly the phenotype that represents the recessive genotype). It is that organism whose genotype can be determined by examination of the phenotype. Usually homozygous dominant and heterozygous individuals have identical phenotypes (although their genotypes are different). This becomes even more important in dihybrid crosses.

Genetics den: Principle of Segregation

Mendel studied the inheritance of seed shape first. A cross involving only one trait is referred to as a monohybrid cross. Mendel crossed pure-breeding (also referred to as true-breeding) smooth-seeded plants with a variety that had always produced wrinkled seeds (60 fertilizations on 15 plants). All resulting seeds were smooth. The following year, Mendel planted these seeds and allowed them to self-fertilize. He recovered 7324 seeds: 5474 smooth and 1850 wrinkled. To help with record keeping, generations were labeled and numbered. The parental generation is denoted as the P1 generation. The offspring of the P1 generation are the F1 generation (first filial). The self-fertilizing F1 generation produced the F2 generation (second filial).

Inheritance of two alleles, S and s, in peas

 Punnett square explaining the behavior of the S and s alleles.

P1: smooth X wrinkled
F1 : all smooth
F2 : 5474 smooth and 1850 wrinkled
Meiosis, a process unknown in Mendel's day, explains how the traits are inherited.

 The inheritance of the S and s alleles explained in light of meiosis

Mendel studied seven traits which appeared in two discrete forms, rather than continuous characters which are often difficult to distinguish. When "true-breeding" tall plants were crossed with "true-breeding" short plants, all of the offspring were tall plants. The parents in the cross were the P1 generation, and the offspring represented the F1 generation. The trait referred to as tall was considered dominant, while short was recessive. 

Dominant traits were defined by Mendel as those which appeared in the F1 generation in crosses between true-breeding strains. Recessives were those which "skipped" a generation, being expressed only when the dominant trait is absent. Mendel's plants exhibited complete dominance, in which the phenotypic expression of alleles was either dominant or recessive, not "in between". 

When members of the F1 generation were crossed, Mendel recovered mostly tall offspring, with some short ones also occurring. Upon statistically analyzing the F2 generation, Mendel determined the ratio of tall to short plants was approximately 3:1. Short plants have skipped the F1 generation, and show up in the F2 and succeeding generations. 

Mendel concluded that the traits under study were governed by discrete (separable) factors. The factors were inherited in pairs, with each generation having a pair of trait factors. We now refer to these trait factors as alleles. Having traits inherited in pairs allows for the observed phenomena of traits "skipping" generations. 

Summary of Mendel's Results:
  1. The F1 offspring showed only one of the two parental traits, and always the same trait.
  2. Results were always the same regardless of which parent donated the pollen (was male).
  3. The trait not shown in the F1 reappeared in the F2 in about 25% of the offspring.
  4. Traits remained unchanged when passed to offspring: they did not blend in any offspring but behaved as separate units.
  5. Reciprocal crosses showed each parent made an equal contribution to the offspring.
Mendel's Conclusions:
  1. Evidence indicated factors could be hidden or unexpressed, these are the recessive traits.
  2. The term phenotype refers to the outward appearance of a trait, while the term genotype is used for the genetic makeup of an organism.
  3. Male and female contributed equally to the offsprings' genetic makeup: therefore the number of traits was probably two (the simplest solution).
  4. Upper case letters are traditionally used to denote dominant traits, lower case letters for recessives.
Mendel reasoned that factors must segregate from each other during gamete formation (remember, meiosis was not yet known!) to retain the number of traits at 2. The Principle of Segregation proposes the separation of paired factors during gamete formation, with each gamete receiving one or the other factor, usually not both. Organisms carry two alleles for every trait. These traits separate during the formation of gametes.

Genetics Den: Heredity, Historical Perspective

For much of human history people were unaware of the scientific details of how babies were conceived and how heredity worked. Clearly they were conceived, and clearly there was some hereditary connection between parents and children, but the mechanisms were not readily apparent. 

The Greek philosophers had a variety of ideas: Theophrastus proposed that male flowers caused female flowers to ripen; Hippocrates speculated that "seeds" were produced by various body parts and transmitted to offspring at the time of conception, and Aristotle thought that male and female semen mixed at conception. Aeschylus, in 458 BC, proposed the male as the parent, with the female as a "nurse for the young life sown within her".

During the 1700s, Dutch microscopist Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) discovered "animalcules" in the sperm of humans and other animals. Some scientists speculated they saw a "little man" (homunculus) inside each sperm. These scientists formed a school of thought known as the "spermists". 

They contended the only contributions of the female to the next generation were the womb in which the homunculus grew, and prenatal influences of the womb. An opposing school of thought, the ovists, believed that the future human was in the egg, and that sperm merely stimulated the growth of the egg. Ovists thought women carried eggs containing boy and girl children, and that the gender of the offspring was determined well before conception. 

Pangenesis was an idea that males and females formed "pangenes" in every organ. These pangenes subsequently moved through their blood to the genitals and then to the children. The concept originated with the ancient Greeks and influenced biology until little over 100 years ago. The terms "blood relative", "full-blooded", and "royal blood" are relicts of pangenesis. Francis Galton, Charles Darwin's cousin, experimentally tested and disproved pangenesis during the 1870s. 

Blending theories of inheritance supplanted the spermists and ovists during the 19th century. The mixture of sperm and egg resulted in progeny that were a "blend" of two parents' characteristics. Sex cells are known collectively as gametes (gamos, Greek, meaning marriage). According to the blenders, when a black furred animal mates with white furred animal, you would expect all resulting progeny would be gray (a color intermediate between black and white). 

This is often not the case. Blending theories ignore characteristics skipping a generation. Charles Darwin had to deal with the implications of blending in his theory of evolution. He was forced to recognize blending as not important (or at least not the major principle), and suggest that science of the mid-1800s had not yet got the correct answer. That answer came from a contemporary, Gregor Mendel, although Darwin apparently never knew of Mendel's work.